Those pages are dedicated...

...To the old plain tetris. I missed him... So I wrote him....

f you miss him too... You can download it here and play it on every mobile with java!


  • added customisable width of playground

16.6. 09

  • customizable sets of brickets
  • customizable mazes
  • random mazes
    • maze are bricket settetd on the floor before the game starts\
  • speed and resolution changable in runtime.
  • fully customisable colors.


HowTo Manage custom sets of brickets

For now is in game just basicSet, which looks like:



You can see that the ctructure is very simple, and you can be isnpired to add your own sets in free wil. You can also share them here in guestbook, because irt is simple textfile.


How to add own mazes/bricket sets

There are three ways.

  1. You can send it to me (in feedback), and if they are good enough, i will "embedd" them
  2. if you are developer, you just add them into source packages and compile the jar\
  3. just put them into jar - this option is for everybody:
    1. rename the JudoVanaTetris.jar to
    2. open it and  go to the directory MAZE/SETS
    3. here are all the mazes/sets. You can delete them or add your own
    4. all mazes which are avaiable must be also writen in list in mazes/sets file. Each line is one maze
    5. rename the zip back to JudoVanaTetris.jar
    6. install to phone


how to install it

  1. download the version your phone match.
  2. unpack
  3. get the both files  (JudoVanaTetrisjar,JudoVanaTetris.jad)
  4. somehow to the phone (bluetooth...)
  5. run JudoVanaTetris.jad - this will install application somewhere into your phone
    • Some telephones writes at this moment ",,, untrusted application. Download it..."
      1. this application is not on any blacklist or something like it. It just means that vendor - me -is unknown
      2. download will NOT CONNECT TO web., because necessary jar is already in yout telephone. This download connect to web only for commercial application when you have just jad in phone and jar is somewhere in the store.
  6. run Judovana's Free Tetris (somewhere in game and more)

f you do not belive me taht the JAR's are clear, you can download the sourcecodes and buidt it yourself.

Some screenshots